November 2023 Examination – Registration Announcement
Online Registration for November 2023 examination will start from 8th August 2023 at 3.00 pm.
Below is the procedure for the online registration of examination:
- Log on to your member login by entering your login ID and Password Click here to login. Once you login, the system will ask you to upload your pass port size photograph, telephone number and email id before moving further.
- Click on the “Examination” -> “November 2023 Examination”-> “Examination Form” tab.
- Select the correspondence address you wish to select “Permanent” Or “Alternate”.
- Click on “Edit Profile details” in case you wish to change your Correspondence address, Contact number or Email ID
- It is mandatory to upload your passport size photograph as per the mentioned specification. You will receive a confirmation email in case your uploaded photograph is up to the mark else you will be receiving a rejection email asking you to re-upload the proper photograph.
Do's Dont's Upload your recent passport size photograph (4.5 cm length x 3.5 cm width) in colour
Do not upload black and white photographs
Background of the photograph should be plain white and the dress should be in dark colour
Photograph with dark background or in uniform, or with eyes hidden under coloured or dark glasses will not be accepted
Photograph should fit within the given box
Photograph is NOT to be signed
Frontal view of the full face should be visible in the photograph
Distracting shadows on the face or in the background should not be there
Print of the photograph should be clear and with a continuous-tone quality
Eyes must not be covered by hair.
Expression of the face should be natural (no grinning, frowning or raised eyebrows)
Glares or eyeglasses should be avoided with a slight upward or downward tilt of the head
Eyes must be open and both edges of face must be clearly visible
Photograph should not be damaged, for example: torn, creased, or marked
Minimum photo resolution should be of 150px * 150px. Maximum photo size not more than 1MB to be saved only in (.png, .jpg, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .raw) format
Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly visible
Head should be in the centre of the frame and both ears should be visible
Photographs cut from group photographs are not acceptable
- Select the subject(s) you wish to appear in the check box.
Note: You will only be able to view the subjects for which you have purchased the study material and you can select maximum of three subjects in one examination.
- Select the Examination centre which you wish to appear from the drop down list.
- Click on “Pay” tab to make the payment of examination fees.
- On successful payment you will be directed towards “Transaction Acknowledgment” page.
- Click on “Proceed” to view your registration details.
Registration for Additional Subject
If you wish to register for an additional subject, you need to follow the same registration process as mentioned above.
Change of Centre
You can change your centre any time on or before 22nd September 2023 upto 3:00pm by going to “Examination” -> “November 2023 Examination”-> “Examination Form”. Select the centre you want to change and click on proceed.
Overseas Centre
Students wishing to appear from overseas centre for November 2023 Actuarial Examination (other than USA, Canada and countries with similar time zones) are advised to share their request to the Examination Department at latest by 18th August 2023.
Any requests sent after this date shall not be entertained.
Examination centre outside India shall be opened subject to following
- If minimum of 20 candidates request are received for same subject from particular country.
- Availability of the exam centre.
It may be noted that CS1, CS2, CM1, CM2, CP2 and CP3 Examinations shall be conducted at Indian centres only.
Candidate opting for overseas centres shall receive an email confirmation on the availability of the overseas centre along with the procedure to register by 25th August 2023.
Points to Remember
- Online Registration starts on 8th August 2023, Tuesday at 3.00 p.m.
- Last date of Registration without late fee is 22nd September 2023, Friday upto 3.00 p.m.
- Last date of Registration with late fee is 29th September 2023, Friday upto 3.00 p.m.
- Hall ticket will be made available to download under your respective member login by 21st October 2023, 6:00 pm.
- No hard copy of Receipt and Hall Ticket will be issued.
- Examination payment receipt will be available to download from the “Examination” tab on successful registration.
For Queries
- Login ID and Password -
- Examination related queries -
- Study Material queries -
- Transaction related queries-
- CS1, CS2, CM1, CM2, CP2 and CP3 Examinations will be conducted at Indian centres only.
- Change of centre is possible only for Indian centre.
- No requests for cancellation and refunds will be entertained post registration.
Disclaimer: “Institute reserves the right to change the Examination schedule already announced for any valid reason or any unforeseen circumstances and the said changes will be notified on our website.”